Copy of 6 - Orienteering Courses

Point- to-Point Courses on an Orienteering Map

"Today we will be doing a regular orienteering course using a map"

Time and Space

30-60 minutes

Gym, schoolyard or local park

Materials and Set-Up

Orienteering flags or checkpoint markers, maps

Place checkpoints according to the master map


Orient the map, route choice



  • Orient a map and understand how it represents the real course.

  • Use the map to plan your route.

  • Use simple strategies & tactics in following the course. (S2.E5.3a)

  • Move confidently and safely in open spaces. (S2.E1.3, S4.E6.3)

  • Work cooperatively with and accept feedback from others. (S4.E4.3a,S4.E3.4)

  • Give feedback to peers. (S4.E4.5)

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