2 - Clue Sheets
Explore and use a clue sheet to find checkpoint in order
Last updated
Explore and use a clue sheet to find checkpoint in order
Last updated
"In orienteering, you find checkpoints in order using clue sheets"
Stay within a boundary.
Use a clue sheet (animal strip) to complete an orienteering course.
Check codes (animal pictures) at each checkpoint.
Improve speed by remembering checkpoint locations.
Demonstrate locomotor skills. (S1.E1, S1.E2)
Participate, learn, follow rules. (S3.E2, S4.E1, S4.E3, S4.E5)
Time and Space
30-60 minutes
Gym, schoolyard or local park
Materials and Set-Up
Checkpoints, clue sheets
Place animal and start/stop checkpoints around the space
Boundary, orienteering, clue sheet, checkpoint, course