Level 2

This curriculum is aimed at children in grades 3-5 (ages 9-11).

Summary Table

*** This needs to be updated to match the lessons. Pulled from this document. Also may need to remove an extra title column? ***

Learning Outcomes

This also needs to be updated and was brought in from the same document. Needs to be fixed and format would benefit from

Each class emphasizes a few goals from SHAPE America Standards and orienteering skills.

Warm-up and cool-down provide opportunities for the following SHAPE America standards:

  • S1.E3, S1.E4 Jumping horizontally and vertically

  • S1.E7.3 Balances on different bases of support, demonstrating muscular tension and extensions of free body parts

  • S3.E4.3 Recognizes the importance of warm-up and cool-down relative to vigorous physical activity

Extensions to the lessons can provide opportunities for the following SHAPE America standards:

  • S1.E9 Weight transfer, rolling (practice falling & rolling safely when running in uneven terrain; roll under things in an obstacle course)

About these lessons

Our lesson plans also emphasize teamwork, responsibility, helping each other learn, and safety. Please see the section “About these lessons” for more background on our approach.

These lesson plans were prepared for Cambridge Public School PE teachers in 2022 by Navigation Games, a Cambridge MA 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to bringing orienteering to children.

Key components of our approach:

  • Adventure and experiential education principles - students experience a series of challenges, and reflect on how they accomplished them, and how they may succeed in similar challenges in their lives.

  • Group learning for individual achievement - many students have fallen behind academically during the pandemic. By learning how to ask for help from, and provide instruction to, their peers, the class is empowered to help each other recover from those setbacks. The goal is for every student to participate and succeed. Relevant standard S4.E3 accepting feedback:

    • Grade 3: Accepts and implements specific corrective feedback from the teacher.

    • Grade 4: Listens respectfully to corrective feedback from others.

    • Grade 5: Gives corrective feedback respectfully to peers.

SPORTident electronic timing equipment can be used with most lessons to augment the students' experience and help the teacher with assessment.

Last updated