Copy of 3 - Patterns
Use a simple map to do progressively harder courses
Last updated
Use a simple map to do progressively harder courses
Last updated
“We use a map to find things. We orient the map with landmarks”
Demonstrate mastery of orienteering with a clue sheet.
Understand spatial relationship vocabulary.
Orient a map using landmarks at corners of space.
Relate a map checkpoint to actual checkpoint in terrain.
Navigate a course shown on a map.
Build a mental map of the checkpoints’ layout.
Respect others’ personal space. (S2.E1)
Cooperate and learn with others. (S4.E4, S4.E3)
Time and Space
30-60 minutes
Gym, schoolyard or local park
Materials and Set-Up
Checkpoints, landmark cones, clue sheets, pattern maps, answer keys
Set up checkpoints and landmark cones for Pattern-O
Map, mental map, orient the map, landmark.
Spatial relationship words: next to, closest, furthest, between, etc.
Find the Cone
Stand by the circled cone with your map oriented
In pairs, progress through increasingly difficult courses