A - Indoor Orienteering

Point-to-Point Courses on an indoor Orienteering Map

"Today we will be doing a regular orienteering course using a map"

*** Resolve the map - we have both a full-court and half-court map. Create maps for single cone map and orientation. Think about how orient bball map - what landmarks. Full court has blue and orange. Half court should be easier and may not need landmarks. Generally throughout the curriculum think about how they check their location without SPORTident***

Time and Space

30-60 minutes


Materials and Set-Up

Checkpoints, maps

Place checkpoints according to the master map


Orient the map, route choice



  • Orient a map and understand how it represents the space.

  • Use the map to plan your route.

  • Use simple strategies & tactics in following the course. (S2.E5.3a)

  • Move confidently and safely in open spaces. (S2.E1.3, S4.E6.3)

  • Work cooperatively with and accept feedback from others. (S4.E4.3a,S4.E3.4)

  • Give feedback to peers. (S4.E4.5)

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