
Note to the NG curriculum team

It would be good to have really solid "tests" which test your orienteering abilities. Want the whole class to be able to achieve these. Things like doing animal-O course successfully.

I anticipate having a bunch of levels, and a class might "test out" of earlier levels. In some ways Level 2 is like a faster Level 1.

SHAPE America Standards

Note that we may want to add obstacle course and tag games more directly into the unit to address some of these standards.

Summary of the SHAPE America grade-level outcomes this unit most directly supports:

  • Standard 1: Movement. This curriculum focuses on the locomotor skills in Standard 1. Non-locomotor (balance and stability) and manipulative skills can be layered on if desired. The core learning outcomes we address are:

    • Level 1 (grades K-2): Locomotor skills. Jumping.

    • Level 2 (grades 3-5): Mature locomotor skills. Pacing while running. Mature jumping patterns. Combines jumping and locomotor skills.

  • Standard 2: Concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance

    • Level 1: Personal and general space; pathways, shapes and levels; speed and direction.

    • Level 2: Space, pathway combinations, speed/endurance/pacing, applies to strategy in game situations. Applies strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities, offensive and defensive strategies and tactics. (Note these last are relevant if we add tag games more directly into the curriculum; pacing relevant for larger orienteering races; pathway relevant if we add the right obstacles to the orienteering course.)

  • Standard 3: Knowedge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness

    • Level 1: Identifies active play opportunities outside of PE class, benefits of being active. Engages in class, responds to instruction and practice. Notices change in heart rate and breathing. Food - good nutrition.

    • Level 2: Identifies active play as a way to become healthier; chart and analyze activity. Engages without teacher prompting. Concept of fitness; differentiate between skill-related and health-related fitness. Recognizes and demonstrates importance of warm-up and cool-down. Completes fitness assessments (pre and post), identifies areas of needed remediation and identifies strategies for progress, create fitness plan. Foods good before and after physical activity; hydration; food choice impact.

  • Standard 4: responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others

    • Level 1: Follow directions, use equipment and space appropriately, practice skill with minimal teacher prompting. Follows rules and instructions, accepts specific corrective feedback from teacher. Shares and collaborates. Safety - follows teacher directions and works independently and safely in PE and with equipment.

    • Level 2: Responsible interpersonal behavior. Works independently for extended period of time; reflects on personal social behavior. Accepts and gives corrective feedback with peers. Cooperates, praises peers; accepts everyone in activity. Etiquette & rules. Works safely independently and with group.

  • Standard 5: Recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction

    • Level 1: Sees activtiy as part of good health. Recognizes challenge and what brings confidence. Fun - knows what is enjoyable and recognizes good feelings - "why" - self-expression.

    • Level 2: Discuss, examine, compare health benefits of participation in physical activity. Challenge. Self-expression & enjoyment. Decribe and compare positive social interactions in pair or group activities; describe social benefits gained.

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