List of papers and books to read

  • Arlikatti et al 2006, "Risk area accuracy and hurricane evacuation expectations of coastal residents," Environment and Behavior

    • Only 36% of the respondents correctly identified their risk areas; another 28% were off by one risk area.

  • Beddis, R. (1983) Maps and Mapwork -- A practical guide to maps and mapwork in the primary school, Bristol: RLDU

  • Blades & Spencer 1986, "Map use by young children", Geography 71:47-52

  • Blades & Spencer 1994, "The development of children's ability to use spatial representations," Advances in Child Development and Behavior 25:157-199. Behind paywall; note that previous research includes orienteering research.

  • Catling 1988: practical advice on teaching map skills in primary and middle schools

  • Catling 1979, "Maps and cognitive maps: the young child's perception," Geography 64:288-96

  • Catling 1995, "Mapping the environment with children," in M. de Villiers Developments in Primary Geography, Sheffield: Geographical Association

  • Cornell et al 1994, "Place recognition and way finding by children and adults," Memory & Cognition 22(6):633-643. Describes an algorithm of reversing a route by approaching places of intermediate familiarity.

  • Dalton et al 2019, "Wayfinding as a social activity," Front. Psychol. This has many good links to research. Findings cited include:

    • Anxiety impairs spatial decision-making during emergency egress

    • Landmarks are more readily recalled when they have a positive emotional association

    • Distinction between locomotion and wayfinding (planning required for efficient and goal-directed navigation)

    • Distinguishes strong/collaborative vs weak/people-as-cues social wayfinding.

  • Danos & Norman 2009, "The development of a new taxonomy for graphicacy," in The Design and Technology Association International Research Conference 2009, p. 69-84.

  • Daugherty, R. (ed.) (1989) Geography int he National Curriculum, Sheffield: Geographical Association

  • Evans, G. W., & Pezdek, K. (1980). Cognitive mapping: Knowledge of real-world distance and location information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 6(1), 13–24.

    • 3 experiments: response time on a relative distance question; spatial memory; map learning.

  • Glicksohn 1994, "Rotation, orientation, and cognitive mapping," The American Journal of Psychology 107(1):39-51.

  • Gould, P. and White, R. (1968) Mental Maps (2nd edition) (London: Allen and Unwin).

    Lynch, K. (1960) The Image of the City (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Looked at mental maps in LA as a function of social class, ethnicity, etc.

  • Hunt and Waller 1999, "Orientation and wayfinding: a review"

  • Huttenlocher, J., Hedges, L. V., & Duncan, S. (1991). Categories and particulars: Prototype effects in estimating spatial location. Psychological Review, 98(3), 352–376.

  • Lingwood, J., Blades, M., Farran, E. K., Courbois, Y., & Matthews, D. (2015). The development of wayfinding abilities in children: Learning routes with and without landmarks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 41, 74–80.

  • Siegel and White 1975, "The development of spatial representations of large-scale environments," Advances in Child Development and Behavior 10:9-55

    • ... Studies of adults' knowledge about their macroenvironment suggest that human “maps” are not literally maps. Rather, they tend to be fragmented, distorted projectively, and are often several multiple “mini-spatial-representations.” ... The development of the sequence of spatial representations in children conforms to the “main sequence” identified in the construction of spatial representation in adults.

  • Stevens and Coupe 1978, "Distortions in judged spatial relations," Cognitive Psychology 10(4):422-437. A hierarchical model of spatial information storage.

  • Thorndyke 1981, "Distance estimation from cognitive maps," Cognitive Psychology 12(4):526-550

  • Thorndyke and Hayes-Roth 1982, "Differences in spatial knowledge acquired from maps and navigation," Cognitive Psychology 14(4):560-89

  • Wiegand, Learning and Teaching with Maps, Routledge, 2006

  • Wilmot, Graphicacy as a form of communication in the primary school, thesis for MS degree at Rhodes University, January 2008.

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